Vehicle Speed Survey’s
Speed is a critical factor in the evaluation of requirements for Road Design. Speed will impact decisions such as Visibility Splays, Junction Spacing, Signage and more.
A Speed Survey will record and identify the Design Speed of a given road or section of road. The design speed is the speed in which 85% of traffic travel below. The design speed may be less than the posted speed limits in place.
ITS are experienced at undertaking comprehensive Vehicle Speed Surveys and Reports, in order to establish both the 85% percentile Traffic Speed and the Mean Traffic Speed. This is done by way of a Radar Speed Survey or Pneumatic Tube Counters installed by Trained & Qualified ITS Technicians.
For many planning applications around Ireland the identification of the design speed is critical. If the design speed identified is less than that of the posted speed limit permission may be sought to relax the sight line requirements of a proposed development.