Title: Origin & Destination & Journey Time Surveys
“Irish Traffic Surveys Ltd ( ITS ) specialise in delivering innovative solutions in Origin & Destination and Journey Time surveys using the latest in Bluetooth/WiFi short range signal technology to obtain otherwise unobtainable information.
Our scanning units allow the user to collect information on people’s travel and behaviour through unobtrusive methods whilst ensuring people’s privacy is maintained and respected. The units obtain this data by measuring signals from mobile phones, hands free kits, satellite navigation devices via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. The MAC addresses are tagged with anonymous ID’s using a complex hashing algorithm before being analysed to ensure people’s privacy is maintained.
These anonymous ID’s are collated over time to develop an understanding of people’s travel and behaviour. Hashed ID’s from numerous sites can be combined to provide data over a specific study area providing an accurate understanding of movements over any time period. The measuring of the signals can be accurately focused to ensure signals are only collected from the user’s area of interest i.e. specific road, railway station platform, retailer etc. Previous studies have found that sample rates of between 15-40% can be achieved through Bluetooth scanning whilst Wi-Fi can add a further 20-30%.
We can track the unique MAC addresses of people/vehicles at a number of scanning locations to assess routing on roads, rail, bus or routing to/from a given destination e.g. retail, car park etc. The units scan up to 1000 devices per minute and have an adjustable range of up to 500m which ensures any locations can be scanned.
Valuable real-time insight into the traffic conditions
With our Bluetooth surveys you receive real-time insight into the public traffic conditions. Bluetooth localises, tracks, anonymises, gives unique IDs to the signals sent out from navigational systems and mobile phones, and translates these signals into real-time information about the public traffic conditions. This makes Bluetooth a relatively cost-effective and reliable upgrade of traditional counting measures such as 3D cameras, radars, video counters or other automatic and manual counting devices that Irish Traffic Survey LTD implements on a daily basis.
Visitor numbers in real-time
Do you have events in your region for which you would like to know the number of visitors? Or more importantly, events for which you would like to capture the increase in the number of visitors in real-time so that the personnel can prepare themselves accordingly? Do you want to provide visitors with relevant information during an event?
Traffic conditions in real-time
Do you have projects or sites for which you would like to know the number of motor vehicles, their movements, directions of travel, travel times, origins and destinations? Or more importantly, you would like to know and measure these parameters 24/7 in order to act efficiently and with the right measures?
Cycling traffic in real-time
Do you have projects or sites for which you would like to know the number of cyclists, their movements, directions of travel, travel times, origins and destinations? Or more importantly, you would like to know and measure these parameters 24/7 in order to act efficiently and with the right measures?
Pedestrian traffic in real-time
Do you have projects or sites for which you would like to know the number of pedestrians, their movements, directions of travel, travel times, origins and destinations? Or more importantly, you would like to know and measure these parameters 24/7 in order to act efficiently and with the right measures?